Do you have a work-related or job-related claim? In most states, any industrial, construction, or other work-related injury that occurs while a worker is on the job should be handled as a workers' compensation claim. This includes car accidents you are involved in while on the job, regardless of whether you were at fault. Generally you cannot sue your employer for negligence, but there may be a third party you can pursue, such as the maker of faulty machinery or the owner of property.

Work injuries can be the result of:

  • Accidents (e.g. falling off a scaffold).
  • Trauma to the body from heavy lifting.
  • Repetitive trauma (e.g. typing that leads to carpal tunnel).
  • Occupational exposure (e.g. inhaling fumes at an oil refinery).

Each state has different workers' compensation laws, so it is important to speak with an attorney who knows about workers’ compensation insurance claims. Employees have the right to claim workers' compensation benefits, just as they have the right to other benefits like health insurance or unemployment. If you are injured at work, you should immediately seek medical treatment and advise your doctor and your employer you were injured on the job. If you would like a free consultation, you may call us, or fill out the contact us form available on our website.